Saturday, March 17, 2012

How to: Crazy Braids

This is for those who want something just a little different than your average braid. It's totally funky and it looks like you took a long time on your hair, but all you really need know is how to do a regular three strand braid! If you like what you see, keep reading!!

I have layers so I started with wet to damp hair to tame the flyaways. If your hair won't cooperate behind your head as one braid, do like I did and do two braids!

Here is the secret step to creating this braid: separate out the three sections like you would for a regular braid, but make two of the strands significantly smaller than the last. (I have ONLY used the hair ties to make it easier to show you, I do not reccomend that you use them for the real hairdo!!)

And now the last step: Braid!!! No secrets, nothing difficult! Just cross the left strand over the middle and then the right strand over the middle and repeat. When you finish braiding, tug on the big bumps of the braid for a little extra emphasis. (You could use a ribbon as the two smaller strands for something special) Happy braiding and let me know in a comment what look you want me to do next!!

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