Saturday, March 31, 2012

Braided Bangs

When I can't decide what to do with my hair, and I just want it out of my face, this is my go-to hairdo. It's very simple, and it adds some hair flair without being over the top. This braid is also known as the Lauren Conrad braid, but she didn't invent it, so I just call it what it is -- braided bangs. And the best part of this braid is that it works on both long and short hair!! If you like what you see, keep reading!

This part can be a tad bit tricky, but I will try to be thorough. First, create a deep side part. (The part should end up being directly over the arch of your eyebrow.) Then, separate out the hair from the part, all the way down to just behind the ear and clip it behind your head. You could use a comb for this, but I like sectioning clips a lot better. NOTE: the hair I was clipping in the picture is the hair we are going to use for the braid, not the stuff that needs clipping back, sorry about that :-)

Now, take your comb or sectioning clips and section off a very thin section right next to your original part. Divide into three sections.

Begin french braiding the large section. I have a more detailed post on how to french braid, if you still don't know how, but in short, just braid regularly, picking up and adding tiny sections to the outside piece before you cross it over. When you are doing this particular braid, be sure to braid loosely so it is not too tight to your head at the end. Braid until you reach the end of your hair and secure it.

Now you have two options for how to finish this off. You could just braid it all the way down and finish it off with a colorful clip....

... or you can lift up the hair behind your ear and bobby pin in place. ( When you are bobby pinning, pin the pins in an X formation for extra security)

After you pin the braid in place, arrange the hair you lifted up over the bobby pins. You now have a super cute braid that seems to disappear behind your ear! I hope you enjoy and let me know in a comment what look you want me to do next!

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