Saturday, April 27, 2013

Sock Bun Made Simple

I'm sure you've seen this bun floating around recently! I have seen the sock bun all over pinterest and youtube, and I will show you my simple method to get this top knot look! If you like what you see, keep reading!

First I will show you how to make the sock bun maker part of the look. Take a CLEAN sock and cut the very tip of it off. Use a sock similar to your hair color if you can, so that if part of it shows through it won't be too obvious. Just remember, the longer the sock, the bigger the bun, so choose accordingly!

Next you roll the sock in on itself. There might be a little left over but just roll it into the middle.
And if you did it right it should look like this. Something similar to a doughnut. You technically can buy a bun maker in stores that will do the same thing, but if you can make it yourself why wouldn't you?
Ok now that you have the sock bun maker made, put your hair in a high ponytail and slide the bun maker over the hair tie.
Alright, now tip your head down and arrange the hair so that it covers the bun maker evenly. Secure the hair in place by putting a hair tie over the whole thing. If you can twist it twice for extra hold.

You will most definitely have a good bit of hair left over after you secured it with hair tie. For hair like mine or shorter, twist the remaining hair around the bun, picking up hair into the twist as you go. It would be good to bobby pin in intervals as well so the shorter layers don't poke out.(Hairspray works wonders on flyaways, juss saying ;-)) If you have really long hair you could bring the remaining hair together and braid and bobby pin that around the bun.
Now it's time for the accessories!! YAY! The first way I like to acessorize this bun is to wrap a strip of an old tshirt around the head and tie in a bow. (Please don't judge my bow tying skills :D)

Another super popular way to finish this off is to stick a big bow right underneath the bun.

I know that i could never get the bun as tight as I wanted to if  I rolled it on like most people do, and this is the method that works best for me! As always play around with  it and find what you like best! Let me know what you thought and feel free to give me more suggestions of other hairstyles you would like to see!